My University Life Lessons | Christmas Catch Up

I thought it was time to get back into this blogging thing. I know I mentioned on my instagram that I was going to post more on here (you should go follow me on there, honest... click >here<), but time has just FLOWN by these past few months. I'm going to blame that on the fact that my dissertation is due in January and that I'm spending the majority of my time in the library, but I thought it would be good to have a quick catch up with ya'll. 

Since I've been back at uni for my final year (how scary) -  the workload has been crazzzzzy. Honestly, it's been quite overwhelming and stressful to say the least; but now I'm approaching the end of the semester I feel that a bit of weight has been lifted off my shoulders. 

It's been really difficult having to find a balance between my work and social life these past few months. It's been tough, but I'm really looking forward to coming home and being able to enjoy the festivities! 

(Have you ever seen such an aestically pleasing hot chocolate?)

It's during those times when you go through bad patches that you realise who is really important to you, and there for you. Since I've been at university, I have been so lucky to have met such lovely and inspiring people; people that inspire me to work hard and achieve. However, during these periods I have also learnt a lot of life lessons. I have not only grown in confidence as a person, but I have also learnt so much about myself. Yet, I have realised who is truly there for me and powers me on when I need them most. It's those people, that you need to treasure the most, because they don't come that often!

Meanwhile, I've learnt what I value most during periods of continuous deadlines and exams, and I hope this can help those of you that are also tackling this: 

1) Get your butt in gear

I can't stress how important exercise has been for me. Not only do I feel good after I've completed a workout, but it takes my mind off work COMPLETELY! Even though it can be a struggle to get out of bed in the morning (particularly when it is freeeeeezing cold and pitch black), it's so worth it. After I feel so energised and ready for whatever the day brings.

2) Treat Yo'self

There is NO harm in treating yourself every now and then. Whether that's going to the cinema with some friends, going out for a meal or buying yourself a few sweet treats after you've had a productive day at the library; it's important that you reward yourself somehow.

3) Go out!

I know I said that I've found it difficult to balance my work and social life lately, and as a result I haven't been going out as much as I usually do. However, I've tried to not feel guilty when I'm not doing work and go out every now and then. I went through a stage of feeling SUPER guilty when I wasn't doing work and it would get me really uptight and anxious. It's so important to know when you are having your 'time off' away from work, and whether that's going on a night out with a few friends, so be it.

4) Zzz...

Likewise, sleep is uber important. If I don't have a good night sleep, I can't function the following day! I have to have at least 7 hours, but even then I don't feel as refreshed if I was to have 8 or even 9 hours sleep. Even if you aren't asleep, but you're in bed watching Netflix or listening to a podcast make sure to give yourself time to switch off.

Shop my outfit:

Ribbed Long Sleeved Top
Denim Dungarees

It feels so good to finally put up another blog post and catch up. I will try to keep up the consistency!
Comment what you'd like to see next.

See you soon in another blog post,



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